Category: Uncategorized

  • Baltics & Slovakia ClimAccelerator

    VAAL Airships got accepted into ClimAccelerator, along with many other promising startups! The accelerator program is delivered by cleantech experts for startups, in the region, that are involved in the fight against climate change. Bootcamp day one was very useful and the team is looking forward to the next two months of workshops and networking!…

  • Superangel & Garage48 Base Camp Award

    The latest edition of the Base Camp hackathon gathered close to 100 applications in which they carefully chose 33 fierce early-stage startups to enter the competition. VAAL Airships won the Moonshot Award for a great idea and significant improvements in product design during the hackathon.

  • Prototron

    VAAL Airships was one of the top 12 Prototron projects from among 500 ideas that were submitted. Prototron is a fund created in 2012, which aims to contribute to the birth of new start-ups and world-changing technologies through prototype financing.

  • ActInSpace hackathon November 2020

    Our team participated in ActInSpace hackathon in November 2020. ActInSpace® is an international innovation contest inspiring young women and men worldwide to meet challenges based on space technologies, data, patents and infrastructures to launch start-ups into all areas of our daily lives. We won significant consultation budget in Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol Startup Incubator.